Open in External Editor

View > Extensions > Vegasaur > Tools > Open in External Editor

The Vegas Pro timeline is a nondestructive editing environment, which means that the original source files remain unchanged by any editing done in the software. Edits that modify the actual source media file (destructive edits) may be performed in a separate application.

This small script gives you a very convenient and fast way to open the selected media file in an external editor. This could be an image, audio file, or any other media file on the timeline. For example, select a PSD file and open it in Adobe Photoshop directly from the timeline, with a single click!

Just register (add to the list) your favorite graphics editor, specify file extensions and you're done! Do the same with the audio editor. You can specify a number of different applications for the same file extensions. In this case you will be prompted to choose which editor should open the file.

How to use:

  1. Configure external editors: Make sure that no events are selected on the timeline and run the command
  2. Open in external editor: Select a media file on the timeline and run the command

It is assumed that you use this command in conjunction with Auto Offline

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