Titles & Text
View > Extensions > Vegasaur > Effects > Titles & Text
Imagine that you have spent a few hours to create text captions in your project and in the end you decided to tweak your text in order to make it more eye-catching, for example change the font, color, add shadow etc. The only option that Vegas Pro offers you now is to go to every title and manually edit its properties!
And this is where Titles & Text module comes to the scene. It allows you to change the selected attributes of multiple text events in a single step. You DO NOT have to go to every text object and make changes. Just check all the properties you want to modify and click Apply button. Done! Another little feature that saves you so much time!
The following properties are supported:
- Font: Name, Size, Style (Bold, Italic)
- Text Alignment
- Color: Foreground, Background
- Shadow
- Outline
- Other properties, such as Animation, Text Placement, Scaling etc. can be changed using the predefined presets
- Allows you to quickly and easily change character case
- Find and replace text
This tool is only available in Sony Vegas Pro 11 or newer and only works with the new Titles and Text media generator
See also: Text Generation Wizard