Project Properties

View > Extensions > Vegasaur > Project > Project Properties

This handy tool allows a project summary and custom information to be embedded with any number of existing projects. In single mode it will only process a currently opened project. In batch mode it will process all selected projects.

Project Summary

The Summary tab found in the Project Properties dialog allows logging of the overall information about a project, such as copyright, engineer or comments. This information can be added to a project instantly. In addition, multiple summary presets for different types of projects can be created.

Advanced Properties

The Advanced tab allows the creation of custom properties of various types that can contain anything and which are stored inside a project. They can be used at your discretion, for any preferred purpose. For instance, it is possible to store the detailed description of the project, to-do list, website link or even the author's picture. You can lock the advanced properties with a password, making them read only, thus protecting them from accidental or intentional modification or deletion. The following property types are supported: Text, Multiline Text, URL, Image, File and Sound

Batch Mode

On the Batch tab all of the veg files can be specified, to which a summary and custom properties should be added. Desired projects can be added to the list and Vegasaur will process each file, setting the project summary and advanced properties with the relevant information.

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